Friday, November 21, 2008

Family Feud HERE WE COME!!!

Whooo Hoooo!!!! Can you hear me cheering?! If you could only see my smile! =) Family Fued finally called and we are going to be taping a show in 2 weeks! We are stoked!!!!! My sister tells me I have to get a hair cut...not negotiable! =) That's ok...because I know I need one. You know as a mom...we tend to put ourselves last on the day to day stuff. I haven't had a real haircut in nearly 2 years. My sister has trimmed it but a real hair salon...yea...I almost forgot what ones looks like. It's hard to find someone that knows how to do my's thin and very fine and just kinda unmanagable. I've found a couple of ladies...but they're not local. I didn't have anyone in Arizona...nor do I have one now... so... anyone in my area want to share their hair girl with me!?!?! =)

Ok...enough of my ranting. Family Feud! I'll keep you posted on our outcome! Keep your fingures crossed...and toes...eyes...and whatever else you can cross! =)

1 comment:

"Intentionally Katie" said...

YOU HAVE to tell us when it's on tv. I can't wait to see you bouncing around and clapping..."good answer...good answer..."

Ah, the Feud.