Tuesday, March 25, 2008

1300 Miles!!!

Holy crap! For the past few days we have practically driven all over the sate of California! Wed. we left from Phoenix to Temecula, CA. Then Thursday from Temecula to the Bakersield area. Friday Bakersfield to Orange to Corona to Victorville. Sunday Victorville back to Phoenix. So...5 days and over 1300 miles later.... I'm home!

The kids did pretty well being in the car, for what seemed like days....We passed through LA. EWE. Yea... um...I was born and raised in CA....and NO LA is not pretty! =) Hailey kept thinking she would see famous people on the freeway! ha! Nope....just graffitti on the walls and Jeremiah says...I like the way the writting looks but it was bad that they did that! Oh the logic of a 6 year old! =)

So, Steve is settled in CA and I am here. 2 days down and too many to go!


Shelly said...

Hey there. I just wanted to tell you that I would have loved to chat with you a little more today about your blog and just in general at the ccv playground. I left feeling a little bad that we didnt invite you over to our table to just have some mommy talk. I wanted to apologize for that. Sometimes I get caught up in my own little world (which isnt always a good thing) and am oblivious to everything else around me. Maybe its that having four kids and finally getting to talk to grown ups thing. Either way, I left with a vision of you sitting over at a table by yourself and and I felt, well, like a bad person because I didnt talk more to you. Yeah, I know I tend to over analyze everything but... I just wanted to apologize. I'm sure you are a very nice person.... PLUS, you've got four kids like me AND you've lived in California (Tehachapi, to be exact), like me! I know we'd have something to talk about I'm sure. :)

Mrs Mike said...

Hey, I live in Victorville! LOL, rarely do I read posts where people say they have been here, let alone twice :)